Good Memories Will Stay Forever
-Yogyakarta, 2019-

A Photo Took In Front of HMTA LOGO After Final Thesis Trial (Sidang Skripsi)
Arie Frederik Lasut Building , UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Good old days bravo 9 Quarry,
so i want to say thank you so much to Mr. Rilendi and Mr. Fajar for giving me oppurtunity to learn about mining operation especially about drilling and blasting, here's some view in Bravo 9 site PT. SGM

Around 6 month consultation for final assignment with 
my supervisor Mr. Sudarsono and Mr. Nur Ali 
finaly its time to kolokium

Finally one step closser!
After kolokium i took a photo with legendary HMTA logo, accidentally my kolokium time is same as mega so we took photo. Thanks mega to lend me your gift for my photo property 😆
Pardon my sleppy face haha

after 1 hours of final thesis trial, alhamdulillah ESTE!
 after that i immediately call my parents
 dont forget to took a photo with legendary HMTA logo,
 big thanks thanks to anak kons and papa santo squad haha

A photo with PT. MATRIX LIMESTONE (matrix mean matri listik haha) when prom night one day before graduation day

Graduation days! thanks for all of my friends for supporting me!

Meet my cilegon team, kevin and akbar

Sweet Memories

Photo with Papa and Mama after Graduation Ceremony In Auditorium
Thanks for everything Mama and Papa

Dinner Photo With Family And Friend 
@Bale Bebakaran Gejayan

Thanks Tambang 2014 !
unforgettable memories !
Viva Tambang !


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